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Plugin Management


Introduced in 0.4.0

plugin:disable <name>                    # Disable an installed plugin (third-party only)
plugin:enable <name>                     # Enable a previously disabled plugin
plugin:install [--core|--git-url] [--committish branch|commit|tag] [--name custom-plugin-name]           # Optionally download git-url (and pin to the specified branch/commit/tag) & run install trigger for active plugins (or only core ones)
plugin:installed <name>                  # Checks if a plugin is installed
plugin:install-dependencies [--core]     # Run install-dependencies trigger for active plugins (or only core ones)
plugin:list                              # Print active plugins
plugin:trigger <args...>.                # Trigger an arbitrary plugin hook
plugin:uninstall <name>                  # Uninstall a plugin (third-party only)
plugin:update [name [branch|commit|tag]] # Optionally update named plugin from git (and pin to the specified branch/commit/tag) & run update trigger for active plugins
# for 0.3.x
cd /var/lib/dokku/plugins
git clone <git url>
dokku plugins-install


These commands require root permissions as the install and install-dependencies plugin triggers may utilize commands such as apt-get. For non-core plugins, please inspect those plugins before running the following command as root user.


Listing Plugins

Installed plugins can be listed via the plugin:list command:

dokku plugin:list
plugn: dev
  00_dokku-standard    0.35.7 enabled    dokku core standard plugin
  20_events            0.35.7 enabled    dokku core events logging plugin
  app-json             0.35.7 enabled    dokku core app-json plugin
  apps                 0.35.7 enabled    dokku core apps plugin
  build-env            0.35.7 enabled    dokku core build-env plugin
  buildpacks           0.35.7 enabled    dokku core buildpacks plugin
  certs                0.35.7 enabled    dokku core certificate management plugin
  checks               0.35.7 enabled    dokku core checks plugin
  common               0.35.7 enabled    dokku core common plugin
  config               0.35.7 enabled    dokku core config plugin
  docker-options       0.35.7 enabled    dokku core docker-options plugin
  domains              0.35.7 enabled    dokku core domains plugin
  enter                0.35.7 enabled    dokku core enter plugin
  git                  0.35.7 enabled    dokku core git plugin
  logs                 0.35.7 enabled    dokku core logs plugin
  network              0.35.7 enabled    dokku core network plugin
  nginx-vhosts         0.35.7 enabled    dokku core nginx-vhosts plugin
  plugin               0.35.7 enabled    dokku core plugin plugin
  proxy                0.35.7 enabled    dokku core proxy plugin
  ps                   0.35.7 enabled    dokku core ps plugin
  repo                 0.35.7 enabled    dokku core repo plugin
  resource             0.35.7 enabled    dokku core resource plugin
  scheduler-docker-local 0.35.7 enabled    dokku core scheduler-docker-local plugin
  shell                0.35.7 enabled    dokku core shell plugin
  ssh-keys             0.35.7 enabled    dokku core ssh-keys plugin
  storage              0.35.7 enabled    dokku core storage plugin
  tags                 0.35.7 enabled    dokku core tags plugin
  tar                  0.35.7 enabled    dokku core tar plugin
  trace                0.35.7 enabled    dokku core trace plugin


All plugin commands other than plugin:list and plugin:help require sudo access and must be run directly from the Dokku server.

Checking if a plugin is installed

You can check if a plugin has been installed via the plugin:installed command:

dokku plugin:installed postgres

Installing a plugin


Plugins installed in this method within a docker-based installation of Dokku do not persist across installs. Please see the plugin installation section of the docker-based installation docs for further details.

Installing a plugin is easy as well using the plugin:install command. This command will also trigger the install pluginhook on all existing plugins.

The most common usage is to install a plugin from a url. This url may be any of the following:

  • git: For git+ssh based plugin repository clones.
  • ssh: For git+ssh based plugin repository clones.
  • file: For copying plugins from a path on disk.
  • https: For http based plugin repository clones.

Additionally, any urls with the extensions .tar.gz or .tgz are treated as Gzipped Tarballs for installation purposes and will be downloaded and extracted into place.

dokku plugin:install
-----> Cloning plugin repo to /var/lib/dokku/plugins/available/postgres
Cloning into 'postgres'...
remote: Counting objects: 646, done.
remote: Total 646 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 646
Receiving objects: 100% (646/646), 134.24 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (406/406), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
-----> Plugin postgres enabled

For git-based plugin installation, a commit SHA-like object may be specified (tag/branch/commit sha) via the --committish argument and Dokku will attempt to install the specified commit object.

# where 2.0.0 is a potential git tag
dokku plugin:install --committish 2.0.0

Plugin names are interpolated based on the repository name minus the dokku- prefix. If the plugin being installed has a name other than what matches the repository name - or another name is desired - the --name flag can be used to override this interpolation.

dokku plugin:install --name smoke-test-plugin

The --core flag may also be indicated as the sole argument, though it is only for installation of core plugins, and thus not useful for end-user installations.

dokku plugin:install --core

Finally, all flags may be omitted to trigger the install procedures for both core and third-party plugins:

dokku plugin:install

Installing plugin dependencies

In some cases, plugins will have system-level dependencies. These are not automatically installed via plugin:install, and must be separately via the plugin:install-dependencies command. This will run through all the dependencies trigger for all plugins.

dokku plugin:install-dependencies

This command may also target just core plugins via the --core flag. This is usually only useful for source-based installs of Dokku.

dokku plugin:install-dependencies --core

Updating a plugin

An installed, third-party plugin can be updated can updated via the plugin:update command. This should be done after any upgrades of Dokku as there may be changes in the internal api that require an update of how the plugin interfaces with Dokku.

Please note that this command is only valid for plugin installs that were backed by a git-repository.

dokku plugin:update postgres
Plugin (postgres) updated

An optional commit SHA-like object may be specified.

dokku plugin:update postgres 2.0.0

Any future invocation of plugin:update will respect the previously specified SHA-like object. To follow a particular branch again, specify that branch:

dokku plugin:update postgres main

Uninstalling a plugin

Third party plugins can be uninstalled using the plugin:uninstall command:

dokku plugin:uninstall postgres
-----> Plugin postgres uninstalled

Disabling a plugin

Disabling a plugin can also be useful for debugging whether a third-party plugin is causing issues in a Dokku installation. Another common use case is for disabling core functionality for replacement with a third-party plugin.

dokku plugin:disable postgres
-----> Plugin postgres disabled

Enabling a plugin

Disabled plugins can be re-enabled via the plugin:enable command.

dokku plugin:enable postgres
-----> Plugin postgres enabled

Triggering a plugin trigger

The plugin:trigger can be used to call any internal plugin trigger. This may have unintended consequences, and thus should only be called for development or debugging purposes.

dokku plugin:trigger some-internal-trigger args-go-here