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Dokku itself is built out of plugins and uses plugn for its plugin system. In essence a plugin is a collection of scripts that will be run based on naming convention.

Let's take a quick look at the current Dokku nginx plugin that's shipped with Dokku by default.

├── plugin.toml  # plugin metadata
├── commands     # contains additional commands
├── install      # runs on Dokku installation
└── post-deploy  # runs after an app is deployed

Installing a plugin

See the plugin management documentation.

Creating your own plugin

See the full documentation.

Official Plugins (Beta)

The following plugins are available and provided by Dokku maintainers. Where noted, these plugins should be considered beta software and may not have been used as thoroughly as community plugins. Please file issues against their respective issue trackers.

Plugin Author Compatibility
CouchDB (beta) dokku 0.4.0+
Elasticsearch (beta) dokku 0.4.0+
Grafana/Graphite/Statsd (beta) dokku 0.4.0+
MariaDB (beta) dokku 0.4.0+
Memcached (beta) dokku 0.4.0+
Mongo (beta) dokku 0.4.0+
MySQL (beta) dokku 0.4.0+
Nats (beta) dokku 0.4.0+
Postgres (beta) dokku 0.4.0+
RabbitMQ (beta) dokku 0.4.0+
Redis (beta) dokku 0.4.0+
RethinkDB (beta) dokku 0.4.0+
Copy Files to Image dokku 0.4.0+
HTTP Auth (beta) dokku 0.4.0+
Let's Encrypt (beta) dokku 0.4.0+
Maintenance mode (beta) dokku 0.4.0+
Redirect (beta) dokku 0.4.0+

Community plugins


The following plugins have been supplied by our community and may not have been tested by Dokku maintainers.



Plugin Author Compatibility
MariaDB Kloadut 0.3.x
MariaDB (single container) ohardy 0.3.x
MariaDB (single container) krisrang 0.3.26+
PostgreSQL jlachowski 0.3.x
PostgreSQL (single container) ohardy 0.3.x
PostgreSQL (single container) Flink 0.3.26+


Plugin Author Compatibility
Nginx Cache Aluxian 0.5.0+
Redis (single container) ohardy 0.3.x
Varnish Zenedith Varnish cache between nginx and application with base configuration


Plugin Author Compatibility
RabbitMQ jlachowski 0.3.x
RabbitMQ (single container) jlachowski 0.3.x
ElasticMQ (SQS compatible) cu12 0.5.0+
VerneMQ (MQTT Broker) mrname 0.4.0+


Plugin Author Compatibility
etcd basgys 0.4.x
FakeSNS cu12 0.5.0+
InfluxDB basgys 0.4.x
RethinkDB stuartpb 0.3.x
Headless Chrome lazyatom 0.8.1+

Plugins Implementing New Dokku Functionality

Plugin Author Compatibility
App name as env cjblomqvist 0.3.x
Docker Direct josegonzalez 0.4.0+
Dokku Clone crisward 0.4.0+
Dokku Copy App Config Files josegonzalez 0.4.0+
Dockerfile custom path mimischi 0.8.0+
Dokku Registry1 agco-adm 0.4.0+
Dokku Require2 crisward 0.4.0+
Global Certificates josegonzalez 0.5.0+
Graduate (Environment Management) Benjamin-Dobell 0.4.0+
Haproxy tcp load balancer 256dpi 0.4.0+
Hostname michaelshobbs 0.4.0+
HTTP Auth Secure Apps matto1990 0.4.0+
Monit (Health Checks) mbreit 0.8.0+
Nuke Containers josegonzalez 0.4.0+
Open App Ports josegonzalez 0.3.x
Proctype Filter michaelshobbs 0.4.0+
robots.txt candlewaster 0.4.x
SSH Deployment Keys3 cedricziel 0.4.0+
SSH Hostkeys4 cedricziel 0.3.x
Application build hook fteychene 0.4.0+
Post Deploy Script baikunz 0.4.0+

1 On Heroku similar functionality is offered by the heroku-labs pipeline feature, which allows you to promote builds across multiple environments (staging -> production)

2 Extends app.json support to include creating volumes and creating / linking databases on push

3 Adds the possibility to add SSH deployment keys to receive private hosted packages

4 Adds the ability to add custom hosts to the containers known_hosts file to be able to ssh them easily (useful with deployment keys)

Other Plugins

Plugin Author Compatibility
Airbrake deploy Flink 0.4.0+
APT F4-Group 0.4.0+
Bower install alexanderbeletsky 0.3.x
Bower/Grunt thrashr888 0.3.x
Bower/Gulp gdi2290 0.3.x
Bower/Gulp jagandecapri 0.3.x
Builders: bower, compass, gulp, grunt ignlg 0.4.0+
Chef cookbook nickcharlton
Docker auto persist volumes Flink 0.4.0+
Hostname michaelshobbs 0.4.0+
Limit (Resource management) sarendsen 0.9.0+
Logspout michaelshobbs 0.4.0+
Syslog michaelshobbs 0.10.4+
Long Timeout investtools 0.4.0+
Monit cjblomqvist 0.3.x
Monorepo iamale 0.4.0+
Multi Dockerfile artofrawr 0.4.0+
Node ademuk 0.3.x
Node pnegahdar 0.3.x
Rollbar iloveitaly 0.5.0+
Slack Notifications ribot 0.4.0+
Telegram Notifications m0rth1um 0.4.0+
Tor michaelshobbs 0.4.0+
User ACL Maciej Łebkowski 0.4.0+
Webhooks nickstenning 0.3.x
Wkhtmltopdf mbriskar 0.4.0+
Dokku Wordpress dokku-community 0.4.0+
Access mainto 0.4.0+

Deprecated Plugins

The following plugins have been removed as their functionality is now in Dokku Core.

Plugin Author In Dokku Since
App User michaelshobbs v0.7.1 (herokuish 0.3.18)
Custom Domains motin v0.3.10 (domains plugin)
Debug josegonzalez v0.3.9 (trace command)
Docker Options dyson v0.3.17 (docker-options plugin)
Dokku Name alex-sherwin v0.4.2 (named containers plugin)
Events Logger alessio v0.3.21 (events plugin)
git rev-parse HEAD in env cjblomqvist v0.12.0 (enhanced core git plugin)
Host Port binding stuartpb v0.3.17 (docker-options plugin)
Link Containers rlaneve v0.3.17 (docker-options plugin)
List Containers josegonzalez v0.3.14 (ps plugin)
Multi-Buildpack pauldub v0.4.0 (herokuish)
Multiple Domains1 wmluke v0.3.10 (domains plugin)
Named-containers Flink v0.4.2 (named-containers plugin)
Nginx-Alt mikexstudios v0.3.10 (domains plugin)
Persistent Storage dyson v0.3.17 (docker-options plugin)
Pre-Deploy Tasks michaelshobbs v0.5.0 (deployment tasks)
PrimeCache darkpixel v0.3.0 (zero downtime deploys)
Process Manager: Circus apmorton v0.3.14/0.7.0 (ps/restart policy plugin)
Process Manager: Forego Flink v0.3.14/0.7.0 (ps plugin)
Process Manager: Forego iskandar v0.3.14/0.7.0 (ps plugin)
Process Manager: Logging Supervisord sehrope v0.3.14/0.7.0 (ps plugin)
Process Manager: Shoreman statianzo v0.3.14/0.7.0 (ps plugin)
Process Manager: Supervisord statianzo v0.3.14/0.7.0 (ps plugin)
Rebuild application scottatron v0.3.14 (ps plugin)
Reset mtime mixxorz Docker 1.8+
Supply env vars to buildpacks2 cameron-martin v0.3.9 (build-env plugin)
user-env-compile2 motin v0.3.9 (build-env plugin)
user-env-compile2 musicglue v0.3.9 (build-env plugin)
VHOSTS Custom Configuration motin v0.3.10 (domains plugin)
Volume (persistent storage) ohardy v0.5.0 (storage plugin)

1 Conflicts with VHOSTS Custom Configuration 2 Similar to the heroku-labs feature (see

Unmaintained Plugins

The following plugins are no longer maintained by their developers.

Plugin Author Compatibility
app-url mikecsh Works with 0.2.0
Chef cookbooks fgrehm
CouchDB (multi containers) Flink 0.4.0+
CouchDB RaceHub Compatible with 0.2.0
Dokku Copy App Config Files alexkruegger Compatible with 0.3.17+
Elasticsearch robv Not compatible with >= 0.3.0 (still uses /home/git)
Elasticsearch1 blag Compatible with 0.2.0
Graphite/statsd jlachowski < 0.4.0
HipChat Notifications cef
Memcached Flink 0.4.0+
MongoDB (single container) jeffutter
MySQL hughfletcher
Neo4j Aomitayo
PostGIS fermuch
PostgreSQL (single container) jeffutter This plugin creates a single postgresql container that all your apps can use. Thus only one instance of postgresql running (good for servers without a ton of memory).
RiakCS (single container) jeffutter Incompatible with 0.2.0 (checked at dccee02)
Redis luxifer
Redis sekjun9878 0.3.26+

1 Forked from jezdez/dokku-elasticsearch-plugin: uses Elasticsearch 1.2 (instead of 0.90), doesn't depend on dokku-link, runs as elasticsearch user instead of root, and turns off multicast autodiscovery for use in a VPS environment.