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Vagrant Installation Notes

  1. Download and install VirtualBox.

  2. Download and install Vagrant.

  3. Clone Dokku.

    git clone
  4. Create VM.

    # Optional ENV arguments:
    # - `BOX_NAME`
    # - `BOX_URI`
    # - `BOX_MEMORY`
    # - `DOKKU_DOMAIN`
    # - `DOKKU_IP`
    cd path/to/dokku
    # for most users
    vagrant up
    # windows users must instead use the following in an elevated command prompt
    vagrant up dokku-windows
  5. Setup SSH Config in ~/.ssh/config.

        Port 22

    For users that have customized the IP address of their VM - either in a custom Vagrantfile or via the DOKKU_IP environment variable - and are not using for the Vagrant IP, you'll need to instead use the output of vagrant ssh-config dokku for your ~/.ssh/config entry.

  6. Connect to the server and add your ssh key to the install. Additionally, set the global domain name to

    # usually your key is already available under the current user's `~/.ssh/authorized_keys` file
    cat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys | dokku ssh-keys:add admin
    # you can use any domain you already have access to
    dokku domains:set-global

    Please note, the domain is setup to point to along with all subdomains (i.e. If you change the DOKKU_IP in your Vagrant setup you'll need to update your /etc/hosts file to point your reconfigured IP address.

You are now ready to deploy an app or install plugins.