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Given the constraints, running Dokku commands remotely via SSH is fine. For certain configurations, the extra complication of manually invoking ssh can be a burden.

While Dokku does not yet have an official client, there are a multitude of ways in which you can interact with your Dokku installation. The easiest is to use the bash client, though you may wish to use another.

Official Client

See the remote commands documentation for more information on how to install and use the official client.

(nodejs) dokku-toolbelt

Dokku-toolbelt is a node-based cli wrapper that proxies requests to the Dokku command running on remote hosts. You can install it via the following shell command (assuming you have nodejs and npm installed):

npm install -g dokku-toolbelt

See documentation here for more information.

(python) dokku-client

dokku-client is an extensible python-based cli wrapper for remote Dokku hosts. You can install it via the following shell command (assuming you have python and pip installed):

pip install dokku-client

See documentation here for more information.

(ruby) Dokku CLI

Dokku CLI is a rubygem that acts as a client for your Dokku installation. You can install it via the following shell command (assuming you have ruby and rubygems installed):

gem install dokku-cli

See documentation here for more information.

(ruby) DokkuClient

DokkuClient is another rubygem that acts as a client for your Dokku installation with built-in support for certain external plugins. You can install it via the following shell command (assuming you have ruby and rubygems installed):

gem install dokku_client

See documentation here for more information.

(ruby) Dokkufy

Dokkufy is a rubygem that handles automation of certain tasks, such as Dokku setup, plugin installation, etc. You can install it via the following shell command (assuming you have ruby and rubygems installed):

gem install dokkufy

See documentation here for more information.

(ruby) Dockland

Dockland is a rubygem that acts as a client for your Dokku installation. You can install it via the following shell command (assuming you have ruby and rubygems installed):

gem install dockland

See documentation here for more information.