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Proxy Management


Introduced in 0.5.0, Enhanced in 0.6.0

proxy:build-config [--parallel count] [--all|<app>] # (Re)builds config for given app
proxy:disable [--parallel count] [--all|<app>]      # Disable proxy for app
proxy:enable [--parallel count] [--all|<app>]       # Enable proxy for app
proxy:report [<app>] [<flag>]                       # Displays a proxy report for one or more apps
proxy:set <app> <proxy-type>                        # Set proxy type for app

In Dokku 0.5.0, port proxying was decoupled from the nginx-vhosts plugin into the proxy plugin. Dokku 0.6.0 introduced the ability to map host ports to specific container ports. In the future this will allow other proxy software - such as HAProxy or Caddy - to be used in place of nginx.


Regenerating proxy config

In certain cases, your app proxy configs may drift from the correct config for your app. You may regenerate the config at any point via the proxy:build-config command. This command will trigger a rebuild for the configured proxy implementation (default: nginx) for a given app. The command may fail if there are no current web listeners for your app.

dokku proxy:build-config node-js-app

All apps may have their proxy config rebuilt by using the --all flag.

dokku proxy:build-config --all

By default, rebuilding proxy configs for all apps happens serially. The parallelism may be controlled by the --parallel flag.

dokku proxy:build-config --all --parallel 2

Finally, the number of parallel workers may be automatically set to the number of CPUs available by setting the --parallel flag to -1

dokku proxy:build-config --all --parallel -1

Displaying proxy reports for an app


Introduced in 0.8.1

You can get a report about the app's proxy status using the proxy:report command:

dokku proxy:report
=====> node-js-app proxy information
       Proxy enabled:       true
       Proxy type:          nginx
       Proxy port map:      http:80:5000 https:443:5000
=====> python-sample proxy information
       Proxy enabled:       true
       Proxy type:          nginx
       Proxy port map:      http:80:5000
=====> ruby-sample proxy information
       Proxy enabled:       true
       Proxy type:          nginx
       Proxy port map:      http:80:5000

You can run the command for a specific app also.

dokku proxy:report node-js-app
=====> node-js-app proxy information
       Proxy enabled:       true
       Proxy type:          nginx
       Proxy port map:      http:80:5000 https:443:5000

You can pass flags which will output only the value of the specific information you want. For example:

dokku proxy:report node-js-app --proxy-type

Proxy Port Scheme

The proxy port scheme is as follows:


The scheme metadata can be used by proxy implementations in order to properly handle proxying of requests. For example, the built-in nginx-vhosts proxy implementation supports the http, https, grpc and grpcs schemes. For the grpc and grpcs see nginx blog post on grpc.

Developers of proxy implementations are encouraged to use whatever schemes make the most sense, and ignore configurations which they do not support. For instance, a udp proxy implementation can safely ignore http and https port mappings.

To change the proxy implementation in use for an application, use the proxy:set command:

# no validation will be performed against
# the specified proxy implementation
dokku proxy:set node-js-app nginx

Proxy port mapping

See the port management documentation for more information on how port mappings are managed for an application.

Container network interface binding


Changed as of 0.11.0

From Dokku versions 0.5.0 until 0.11.0, enabling or disabling an application's proxy would also control whether or not the application was bound to all interfaces - e.g. As of 0.11.0, this is now controlled by the network plugin. Please see the network documentation for more information.