Herokuish build cache is now mounted from a docker volume - eg. cache-node-js-app - instead of the local filesystem. All existing app cache will be cleared upon upgrading past 0.29.0.
The vector container integration now mounts config to /etc/vector instead of the path /etc/vector/vector.json, allowing users the ability to provide extra configuration for Vector Sinks. To take advantage of the new functionality, the vector container should be stopped (via dokku logs:vector-stop) and then started (via dokku logs:vector-start).
The traefik integration now mounts config to /data instead of the path /acme.json, fixing permissions issues under certain architectures. To take advantage of the new functionality, the traefik container should be stopped (via dokku traefik:stop) and then started (via dokku traefik:start).
Users no longer need to clear the source-image git property when transitioning from image-based deploys (git:from-image and git:load-image) to other deployment methods (git push, git:from-archive, git:sync).
For deploys via the git:from-image and git:load-image commands, the CHECKS file is now extracted from the configured WORKDIR property of the image. For all other deploys - git push, git:from-archive, git:sync - will have the CHECKS extracted directly from the source code. The filename in both cases is CHECKS and cannot be modified.
Port mappings are now auto-detected during the build process. Users may override detected port mappings via the ports plugin. A default port mapping of http:80:5000 will be used if none is otherwise specified.
Users building docker images that run Dokku will need to use a new sudoer wrapper for the docker-container-healthchecker binary to work correctly. A reference version has been placed in the docker skeleton directory. This should only impact platform developers, and users of our Docker image will already have the file available.
The default image used for Herokuish Buildpack builds is now gliderlabs/herokuish:latest-22, and is based on both the heroku-22 stack as well as Ubuntu 22.04. Users that wish to stick with the old, heroku-20/Ubuntu 20.04 builder may specify gliderlabs/herokuish:latest-20 as their builder image. Please see the herokuish buildpack deployment documentation for more information on how to specify a custom buildpack stack builder.
The default image used for Cloud Native Buildpack builds is now heroku/builder:22, and is based on both the heroku-22 stack as well as Ubuntu 22.04. Users that wish to stick with the old, heroku-20/Ubuntu 20.04 builder may specify heroku/buildpacks:20 as their builder image. Please see the herokuish buildpack deployment documentation for more information on how to specify a custom buildpack stack builder.
The proxy:ports* commands have been replaced with the new ports plugin. Users will be able to use the old proxy:ports* commands for a single minor release, and they will be removed in the next minor release.
The common#get_available_port() function has been deprecated and will be removed in the next release. Users should avoid interacting with this function and instead use the ports-get-available plugin trigger for fetching an available port.
The proxy-configure-ports plugin trigger has been deprecated and will be removed in the next release. Users should instead trigger the ports-configure plugin trigger.
The common#get_dockerfile_exposed_ports() function is deprecated and will be removed in the next release. There is no replacement for this as it's only use in Dokku core was in the builder-dockerfile plugin.
The common#get_exposed_ports_from_image() function is deprecated and will be removed in the next release. There is no replacement for this as it's only use in Dokku core was during the build process.
The environment variable DOKKU_PROXY_PORT_MAP has been migrated to the properties system. Direct changes to the value will be ignored, and users should interact with port maps via the ports plugin.
The CHECKS file is deprecated in favor of defining healthchecks in the app.json file. The docker-container-healthchecker tool can be used to generate healthcheck entries in app.json format from existing CHECKS files. See the zero-downtime deploy documentation for more information on how the new zero downtime check format works.
ARM support is now deprecated, and will be removed in the next minor release. ARM releases are not tested in CI and do not get testing locally. Users of ARM installations on platforms such as the Raspberry PI should consider migrating to ARM64. ARM64 will continue to be supported by Dokku, and there are no plans to remove support for ARM64.
The bare apps and config cli aliases are no longer deprecated. This better follows Heroku's output and is more useful to users. The subcommands will be treated as the primary, documented versions, while the aliases are there for convenience.
The variable RAW_TCP_PORTS is no longer exposed for nginx.conf.sigil templating.
The environment variable DOKKU_DOCKERFILE_PORTS is no longer in use. Users wishing to change port mappings should instead use the ports plugin.
The common#get_app_raw_tcp_ports() function has been removed in the next release. Users should instead use the ports-get plugin trigger for fetching ports for an app.
The plugin trigger network-compute-ports has been removed. It's only use was in the scheduler-docker-local plugin, for exposing ports. It's functionality is now implemented via the ports plugin.
The plugin trigger network-get-port has been removed. It's only use was in the scheduler-docker-local plugin, for recording ports. It's functionality is now implemented via the ports plugin.