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Creating a Datastore plugin

Ever wanted to write a datastore plugin? This tutorial shows how we create official datastore plugins.


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Initializing the plugin

First, we'll start by cloning an existing datastore plugin. I'll choose the postgres plugin.

git clone dokku-meillisearch
cd dokku-meillisearch
rm -rf .git

Once this is done, we can modify the plugin.toml to have the following contents:

description = "dokku meillisearch service plugin"
version = "0.0.1"

Reconfiguring the plugin

Now begins the great find/replace. We'll do the following case-sensitive replacements:

  • postgres meillisearch
  • Postgres Meillisearch

After the find/replace, we'll need to configure the plugin correctly. There should be a config file that contains runtime configuration for the plugin. We'll need to change the following in this file:

  • PLUGIN_DATASTORE_PORTS: A bash array containing a list of ports exposed by the service. In many cases, this will be a single port. All ports should be listed here. The first port in the list is used when linking the service to an app.
    • For meillisearch, the config should look as follows export PLUGIN_DATASTORE_PORTS=(7700)
  • PLUGIN_DATASTORE_WAIT_PORT: This should be the primary port that Dokku waits to be ready when creating the service. Usually this will be the port used to link the service to an app.
    • For meillisearch, the config should look as follows export PLUGIN_DATASTORE_WAIT_PORT=7700
  • PLUGIN_SCHEME: The value of this is used in the DSN. Do not leave it blank. It can usually be the lowercase version of the datastore name, but sometimes may need to be something different.
    • For meillisearch, the config should look as follows export PLUGIN_SCHEME=http
  • PLUGIN_DEFAULT_ALIAS: This is used as the prefix for the _URL value. DATABASE_URL is pretty normal for sql datastores.
    • For meillisearch, the config should look as follows` export PLUGIN_DEFAULT_ALIAS="MEILLISEARCH"

The config file also contains a PLUGIN_UNIMPLEMENTED_SUBCOMMANDS shell array. This contains a list of commands that are not supported by the plugin. For sql-like plugins, this is usually empty, but sometimes certain functionality is not supported by the datastore (such as backup/restore or connecting to the service using a repl). In our case, we'll set the following value.

export PLUGIN_UNIMPLEMENTED_SUBCOMMANDS=("backup" "backup-auth" "backup-deauth" "backup-schedule" "backup-schedule-cat" "backup-set-encryption" "backup-unschedule" "backup-unset-encryption" "clone" "connect" "export" "import")

This can always be revisited in the future as functionality becomes available to the datastore.

Once this is set, we need to update the default Docker image the datastore plugin will use. This is contained within the Dockerfile. As of the time of writing, the latest stable image tag is v0.23.1, so we'll have the following as the Dockerfile contents:

FROM getmeili/meilisearch:v0.23.1

These cover the general changes. Now on to function updates.

Customizing Commands

90% of the plugin is templated, but datastore-specific functions are stored in the functions file. We'll go over each of these below (and describe the customizations for meilisearch).

  • service_connect: Connects to the datastore via a repl. The repl must be available in the base image in use, and not any customization.
    • For meillisearch, we'll replace the existing psql call with dokku_log_fail "Not yet implemented"
  • service_create: Usually only customized if there are password needs (either the datastore doesn't support a password or supports a root password in addition to the normal one).
    • For meillisearch, we don't need to customize anything.
  • service_create_container: The meat and potatos. This creates the container and intiailizes data for the container (if necessary).

    • For meillisearch, we can drop the code that initiliazes container database (from ~line 96-105, which contains the service_port_unpause call). Additionally, the ID=$(docker run ...) command should become the following:

      ID=$(docker run --name "$SERVICE_NAME" $MEMORY_LIMIT $SHM_SIZE -v "$SERVICE_HOST_ROOT/data:/" -e "MEILI_MASTER_KEY=$PASSWORD" -e "MEILI_HTTP_ADDR=" -e "MEILI_NO_ANALYTICS=true" --env-file="$SERVICE_ROOT/ENV" -d --restart always --label dokku=service --label dokku.service=meillisearch "$PLUGIN_IMAGE:$PLUGIN_IMAGE_VERSION" $CONFIG_OPTIONS)
  • service_export: Used for exporting the service data. You can implement this if the container has some way to export the data to stdout

    • For meillisearch, we'll replace the existing psql call with dokku_log_fail "Not yet implemented"
  • service_import: Analogous to service_export, used for importing the service data. You can implement this if the container has some way import the data from stdin.
    • For meillisearch, we'll replace the existing psql call with dokku_log_fail "Not yet implemented"
  • service_start: The only time this is customized is when the service either has no passwords (so the password check is removed) or has a secondary, root password (so we add another check).
    • For meillisearch, the existing checks the Postgres plugin performs are enough.
  • service_url: This outputs the default DSN-formatted connection string. Docker exposes other variables containing just IPs, PORTs, and other values from the config, so it is heavily encouraged to not come up with your own format here.
    • For meillisearch, this should become the following:


Fixing tests

Usually the following should be modified for tests. Below contains the changes for our meillisearch plugin.

  • Tests matching unimplemented commands should be removed. For meillisearch, this means deleting the following files:
    • tests/service_clone.bats
    • tests/service_connect.bats
    • tests/service_export.bats
    • tests/service_import.bats
  • Port references should be updated. In our case, a find/replace of 5432 with 7700 is enough for this.
  • username:password need to conform to how the datastore works. For meillisearch, we can do two find-replacements:
    • //u:p => //:p
    • //meillisearch:$password => //:$password
  • The plugin scheme should be updated. This is done with two find/replace calls:
    • meillisearch:// => http://
    • meillisearch2 => http2
  • The "database" in the DSN should be updated to match the plugin's service_url format. In our case, we'll need a few find-replacements:
    • /db" => " (basically removing the suffix)
    • /l" => " (basically removing the suffix)
    • /test_with_underscores" => " (basically removing the suffix)
    • /db: there will be one instance of this in a config:set call. The string should just be removed.
  • The dsn key should be updated to match the PLUGIN_DEFAULT_ALIAS. For meillisearch, we can do the following find/replace:

Regenerating the

The readme is generated by reading through the plugin source and generating help based on the config file and the source of each subcommand. It is enhanced by files in the docs folder. For our use case, we'll remove everything in the docs folder except for docs/README.

This can be done in a single call to bin/generate a script included with each plugin that requries python3.

Commiting everything

If everything went well, we can commit and push our new service plugin to Github. The plugin should automatically run tests in Github Actions, at which point you can catch any lingering errors.

If you're using Dokku - especially for commercial purposes - consider donating to project development via Github Sponsors, OpenCollective, or Patreon. Funds go to general development, support, and infrastructure costs.