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Application Management


Introduced in 0.3.1

apps:clone <old-app> <new-app>                 # Clones an app
apps:create <app>                              # Create a new app
apps:destroy <app>                             # Permanently destroy an app
apps:list                                      # List your apps
apps:rename <old-app> <new-app>                # Rename an app
apps:report [<app>] [<flag>]                   # Display report about an app


Listing Applications


Introduced in 0.8.1. Use the apps command for older versions.

You can easily list all available applications using the apps:list command:

dokku apps:list
=====> My Apps

Note that you can easily hide extra output from Dokku commands by using the --quiet flag, which makes it easier to parse on the command-line.

dokku --quiet apps:list

Manually creating an application

A common pattern for deploying applications to Dokku is to configure an application before deploying it. You can do so via the apps:create command:

dokku apps:create node-js-app
Creating node-js-app... done

Once created, you can configure the application as normal, and deploy the application whenever ready. This is useful for cases where you may wish to do any of the following kinds of tasks:

  • configure domain names and ssl certificates
  • create and link datastores
  • set environment variables

Removing a deployed app

In some cases, you may need to destroy an application, whether it is because the application is temporary or because it was misconfigured. In these cases, you can use the apps:destroy command. Performing any destructive actions in Dokku requires confirmation, and this command will ask for the name of the application being deleted before doing so.

dokku apps:destroy node-js-app
 !     WARNING: Potentially Destructive Action
 !     This command will destroy node-js-app (including all add-ons).
 !     To proceed, type "node-js-app"

Destroying node-js-app (including all add-ons)



This will prompt you to verify the application's name before destroying it. You may also use the --force flag to circumvent this verification process:

dokku --force apps:destroy node-js-app
Destroying node-js-app (including all add-ons)

Destroying an application will unlink all linked services and destroy any config related to the application. Note that linked services will retain their data for later use (or removal).

Renaming a deployed app


Introduced in 0.4.7

You can rename a deployed app using the apps:rename command. Note that the application must have been deployed at least once, or the rename will not complete successfully:

dokku apps:rename node-js-app io-js-app
Destroying node-js-app (including all add-ons)
-----> Cleaning up...
-----> Building io-js-app from herokuish...
-----> Adding BUILD_ENV to build environment...
-----> Node.js app detected

-----> Creating runtime environment


=====> Application deployed:

Renaming node-js-app to io-js-app... done

This will copy all of your app's contents into a new app directory with the name of your choice, delete your old app, then rebuild the new version of the app and deploy it. All of your config variables, including database urls, will be preserved.

Cloning an existing app


Introduced in 0.8.1

You can clone an existing app using the apps:clone command. Note that the application must have been deployed at least once, or the rename will not complete successfully:

dokku apps:clone node-js-app io-js-app
Cloning node-js-app to io-js-app... done

This will copy all of your app's contents into a new app directory with the name of your choice and then rebuild the new version of the app and deploy it. All of your config variables, including database urls, will be preserved.


If you have exposed specific ports via docker-options, added generic domains, or performed anything that cannot be done against multiple applications, apps:clone may result in errors.

By default, Dokku will deploy this new application, though you can skip the deploy by using the --skip-deploy flag:

dokku apps:clone --skip-deploy node-js-app io-js-app

Displaying reports about an app


Introduced in 0.8.1

You can get a report about the deployed apps using the apps:report command:

dokku apps:report
=====> node-js-app
       App dir:             /home/dokku/node-js-app
       Git sha:             dbddc3f
       App cid:             7b18489c98be
       Status:              running
=====> python-sample
not deployed
=====> ruby-sample
       App dir:             /home/dokku/ruby-sample
       Git sha:             a2d477c
       App cid:             78a44d71012a
       Status:              running

You can run the command for a specific app also.

dokku apps:report node-js-app
=====> node-js-app
       App dir:             /home/dokku/node-js-app
       Git sha:             dbddc3f
       App cid:             7b18489c98be
       Status:              running

You can pass flags which will output only the value of the specific information you want. For example:

dokku apps:report node-js-app --git-sha