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0.25.0 Migration Guide

Registry Plugin

The dokku-registry plugin is now built-in. This comes with a few changes:

  • Builder plugins should call post-release-builder at the end of the build.
  • The push and pull command are not implemented. Users wishing to deploy a remote image should use git:from-image. Image pushing is not available at this time.
  • At this time, remote docker repositories are not automatically created for AWS, and users must create those repositories for their applications as necessary. This may be implemented in the future.
  • Docker images are only pushed when configured to do so. See the registry management documentation for more details.



  • The network plugin can now set an initial-network for all containers on creation. This is a replacement for specifying the --network flag via the docker-options plugin. Please see the network documentation for more information.
  • The dokku run command now always removes the ephemeral container on exit. Users that need a persistent container should instead specify a console process type in their Procfile specifying an available shell (usually either bash or sh) and scale that container appropriately.
  • The pre-deploy plugin trigger is now called internally by Dokku. Scheduler plugins should avoid calling this trigger, as any image changes introduced by subsequent trigger calls will be ignored.
  • The default image used for Herokuish Buildpack builds is now gliderlabs/herokuish:latest-20, and is based on both the heroku-20 stack as well as Ubuntu 20.04. Users that wish to stick with the old, heroku-18/Ubuntu 18.04 builder may specify gliderlabs/herokuish:latest-18 as their builder image. Please see the herokuish buildpack deployment documentation for more information on how to specify a custom buildpack stack builder.
  • This change does not impact any users of Cloud Native Buildpacks.
  • We fixed an issue that required extracting Procfiles at the beginning of a deploy. Due to this change, a Dockerfile app contains a Procfile that does not specify a web process will fail to start. Usage of a Procfile with only a release command should be replaced with a scripts.dokku.postdeploy deployment task in the app.json file. The alternative is to define the web process in the Procfile. See the deployment task documentation for more information.


  • In previous versions of Dokku, the only way to specify a custom Dockerfile was to use the docker-options plugin to set the --file flag for a docker build. As of 0.25.0, the builder-dockerfile:set command should be used instead, as outlined in the docs here. Usage of the old method should be migrated to the new method.
  • The --rm and --rm-container flags may be specified but no longer have any effect on dokku run.
  • The --detach flag is deprecated in favor of the run:detached command.
  • The DOKKU_SCALE file is deprecated. Please see the process management documentation for more information on it's replacement with the formation key of the app.json file.
  • The hooks post-release-buildpack, post-release-dockerfile, and post-release-pack are deprecated in favor of post-release-builder. See the plugin triggers documentation for more details.


  • As of April 2021, Ubuntu 16.04 is no longer an LTS release, and support has been removed. Packages may still install on older versions of Ubuntu, but are no longer tested, and therefore no support will be provided.
  • The web installer has been removed. Users are now required to setup Dokku via cli commands. This change was made to combat potential security issues where users ignored the web installer, allowing unauthorized users to add their keys to the host.
  • The scheduler-docker-cleanup plugin trigger has been removed from the scheduler interface, and is no longer invoked.