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Dockerfile Deployment


Introduced in 0.3.15

While Dokku normally defaults to using Heroku buildpacks for deployment, you can also use Docker's native Dockerfile system to define a container.


Dockerfile support is considered a power user feature. By using Dockerfile-based deployment, you agree that you will not have the same comfort as that enjoyed by buildpack users, and Dokku features may work differently. Differences between the two systems will be documented here.



This builder will be auto-detected in the following case:

  • A Dockerfile exists in the root of the app repository.

Dokku will only select the dockerfile builder if both the herokuish and pack builders are not detected and a Dockerfile exists. For more information on how those are detected, see the following links:

Switching from buildpack deployments

If an application was previously deployed via buildpacks, the following commands should be run before a Dockerfile deploy will succeed:

dokku config:unset --no-restart node-js-app DOKKU_PROXY_PORT_MAP

Build-time configuration variables

For security reasons - and as per Docker recommendations - Dockerfile-based deploys have variables available only during runtime.

For users that require customization in the build phase, you may use build arguments via the docker-options plugin:

dokku docker-options:add node-js-app build '--build-arg NODE_ENV=production'

The location of the Dockerfile may also be specified. If the location is changed, the repository must also have a Dockerfile in the root directory in order to trigger a dockerfile-based deploy.

dokku docker-options:add node-js-app build '--file Dockerfile.dokku'

Once set, the Dockerfile usage would be as follows:

FROM ubuntu:18.04

# set the argument default
ARG NODE_ENV=production

# use the argument

You may also set the argument as an environment variable

FROM ubuntu:18.04

# set the argument default
ARG NODE_ENV=production

# assign it to an environment variable
# we can wrap the variable in brackets

# or omit them completely

# use the argument

Building images with Docker Buildkit

If your Dockerfile is using Docker engine's buildkit (not to be confused with buildpacks), then the DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 environment variable needs to be set. One way to do this is to edit /etc/environment on your dokku host and reboot your instance. Note, for complete build log output, you should also set BUILDKIT_PROGRESS=plain in the same file.

Buildkit directory caching

Buildkit implements the RUN --mount option, enabling mount directory caches for RUN directives. The following is an example that mounts debian packaging related directories, which can speed up fetching of remote package data.

FROM debian:latest
RUN --mount=target=/var/lib/apt/lists,type=cache \
    --mount=target=/var/cache/apt,type=cache \
    apt-get update \
 && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \

Mount cache targets may vary depending on the tool in use, and users are encouraged to investigate the directories that apply for their language and framework.

You would adjust the cache directory for whatever application cache you have, e.g. /root/.pnpm-store/v3 for pnpm, $HOME/.m2 for maven, or /root/.cache for golang.

Customizing the run command

By default no arguments are passed to docker run when deploying the container and the CMD or ENTRYPOINT defined in the Dockerfile are executed. You can take advantage of docker ability of overriding the CMD or passing parameters to your ENTRYPOINT setting $DOKKU_DOCKERFILE_START_CMD. Let's say for example you are deploying a base Node.js image, with the following ENTRYPOINT:


You can do:

dokku config:set node-js-app DOKKU_DOCKERFILE_START_CMD="--harmony server.js"

To tell Docker what to run.

Setting $DOKKU_DOCKERFILE_CACHE_BUILD to true or false will enable or disable Docker's image layer cache. Lastly, for more granular build control, you may also pass any docker build option to docker, by setting $DOKKU_DOCKER_BUILD_OPTS.

Procfiles and multiple processes


Introduced in 0.5.0

You can also customize the run command using a Procfile, much like you would on Heroku or with a buildpack deployed app. The Procfile should contain one or more lines defining process types and associated commands. When you deploy your app, a Docker image will be built. The Procfile will be extracted from the image (it must be in the folder defined in your Dockerfile as WORKDIR or /app) and the commands in it will be passed to docker run to start your process(es). Here's an example Procfile:

web: bin/
worker: bin/

And Dockerfile:

FROM ubuntu:18.04
COPY . ./
CMD ["bin/"]

When you deploy this app the web process will automatically be scaled to 1 and your Docker container will be started basically using the command docker run bin/ If you want to also run a worker container for this app, you can run dokku ps:scale worker=1 and a new container will be started by running docker run bin/ (the actual docker run commands are a bit more complex, but this is the basic idea). If you use an ENTRYPOINT in your Dockerfile, the lines in your Procfile will be passed as arguments to the ENTRYPOINT script instead of being executed.

Exposed ports

See the port management documentation for more information on how Dokku exposes ports for applications and how you can configure these for your app.