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Docker Installation Notes

Pull the dokku/dokku image:

docker pull dokku/dokku:0.19.13

Next, run the image.

docker run \
  --env \
  --name dokku \
  --publish 3022:22 \
  --publish 8080:80 \
  --publish 8443:443 \
  --volume /var/lib/dokku:/mnt/dokku \
  --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \

Dokku is run with the following options:

  • The global hostname is set to on boot.
  • The container name is dokku.
  • Container SSH port 22 is exposed on the host as 3022.
  • Container HTTP port 80 is exposed on the host as 8080.
  • Container HTTPS port 443 is exposed on the host as 8443.
  • Data within the container is stored on the host within the /var/lib/dokku directory.
  • The docker socket is mounted into container

Application repositories, plugin config, and plugin data is persisted to disk within the specified host directory for /var/lib/dokku.

To install custom plugins, create a plugin-list file in the host's /var/lib/dokku directory. The plugins listed herein will be automatically installed by Dokku on container boot. This file should be the following format:

plugin_name: repository_url

An example for installing the postgres and redis plugins follows:


To initialize ssh-keys within the container, use docker exec to enter the container and run the appropriate ssh-keys commands.

docker exec -it dokku bash

Please see the user management documentation for more information.