Nginx Configuration
Dokku uses nginx as its server for routing requests to specific applications. By default, access and error logs are written for each app to /var/log/nginx/${APP}-access.log
and /var/log/nginx/${APP}-error.log
nginx:access-logs <app> [-t] # Show the nginx access logs for an application (-t follows)
nginx:build-config <app> # (Re)builds nginx config for given app
nginx:error-logs <app> [-t] # Show the nginx error logs for an application (-t follows)
nginx:report [<app>] [<flag>] # Displays a nginx report for one or more apps
nginx:set <app> <property> (<value>) # Set or clear an nginx property for an app
nginx:show-conf <app> # Display app nginx config
nginx:validate [<app>] [--clean] # Validates and optionally cleans up invalid nginx configurations
Binding to specific addresses
By default, nginx will listen to all interfaces ([::]
for IPv6,
for IPv4) when proxying requests to applications. This may be changed using the bind-address-ipv4
and bind-address-ipv6
properties. This is useful in cases where the proxying should be internal to a network or if there are multiple network interfaces that should respond with different content.
dokku nginx:set node-js-app bind-address-ipv4
dokku nginx:set node-js-app bind-address-ipv6 ::1
This may be reverted by setting an empty bind address.
Validation is not performed on either value.
Users with apps that contain a custom nginx.conf.sigil
file will need to modify the files to respect the new NGINX_BIND_ADDRESS_IPV4
Checking access logs
You may check nginx access logs via the nginx:access-logs
command. This assumes that app access logs are being stored in /var/log/nginx/$APP-access.log
, as is the default in the generated nginx.conf
You may also follow the logs by specifying the -t
Checking error logs
You may check nginx error logs via the nginx:access-logs
command. This assumes that app error logs are being stored in /var/log/nginx/$APP-error.log
, as is the default in the generated nginx.conf
You may also follow the logs by specifying the -t
Regenerating nginx config
In certain cases, your app nginx configs may drift from the correct config for your app. You may regenerate the config at any point via the nginx:build-config
command. This may fail if there are no current web listeners for your app.
Showing the nginx config
For debugging purposes, it may be useful to show the nginx config. This can be achieved via the nginx:show-conf
Validating nginx configs
It may be desired to validate an nginx config outside of the deployment process. To do so, run the nginx:validate
command. With no arguments, this will validate all app nginx configs, one at a time. A minimal wrapper nginx config is generated for each app's nginx config, upon which nginx -t
will be run.
As app nginx configs are actually executed within a shared context, it is possible for an individual config to be invalid when being validated standalone but also be valid within the global server context. As such, the exit code for the nginx:validate
command is the exit code of nginx -t
against the server's real nginx config.
The nginx:validate
command also takes an optional --clean
flag. If specified, invalid nginx configs will be removed.
Invalid app nginx config's will be removed even if the config is valid in the global server context.
The --clean
flag may also be specified for a given app:
Customizing the nginx configuration
Introduced in 0.5.0
Dokku uses a templating library by the name of sigil to generate nginx configuration for each app. You may also provide a custom template for your application as follows:
- Copy the following example template to a file named
and either: - If using a buildpack application, you must check it into the root of your app repo.
it to your dockerfileWORKDIR
- if your dockerfile has no
it to the/app
When using a custom nginx.conf.sigil
file, depending upon your application configuration, you may be exposing the file externally. As this file is extracted before the container is run, you can, safely delete it in a custom
configured in a Dockerfile ENTRYPOINT
The default template is available here, and can be used as a guide for your own, custom nginx.conf.sigil
file. Please refer to the appropriate template file version for your Dokku version.
Available template variables
{{ .APP }} Application name
{{ .APP_SSL_PATH }} Path to SSL certificate and key
{{ .DOKKU_ROOT }} Global Dokku root directory (ex: app dir would be `{{ .DOKKU_ROOT }}/{{ .APP }}`)
{{ .DOKKU_APP_LISTENERS }} List of IP:PORT pairs of app containers
{{ .PROXY_PORT }} Non-SSL nginx listener port (same as `DOKKU_PROXY_PORT` config var)
{{ .PROXY_SSL_PORT }} SSL nginx listener port (same as `DOKKU_PROXY_SSL_PORT` config var)
{{ .PROXY_PORT_MAP }} List of port mappings (same as `DOKKU_PROXY_PORT_MAP` config var)
{{ .PROXY_UPSTREAM_PORTS }} List of configured upstream ports (derived from `DOKKU_PROXY_PORT_MAP` config var)
{{ .RAW_TCP_PORTS }} List of exposed tcp ports as defined by Dockerfile `EXPOSE` directive (**Dockerfile apps only**)
{{ .SSL_INUSE }} Boolean set when an app is SSL-enabled
Application config variables are available for use in custom templates. To do so, use the form of {{ var "FOO" }}
to access a variable named FOO
Customizing via configuration files included by the default templates
The default nginx.conf template will include everything from your apps nginx.conf.d/
subdirectory in the main server {}
block (see above):
That means you can put additional configuration in separate files, for example to limit the uploaded body size to 50 megabytes, do
mkdir /home/dokku/node-js-app/nginx.conf.d/
echo 'client_max_body_size 50m;' > /home/dokku/node-js-app/nginx.conf.d/upload.conf
chown dokku:dokku /home/dokku/node-js-app/nginx.conf.d/upload.conf
service nginx reload
The example above uses additional configuration files directly on the Dokku host. Unlike the nginx.conf.sigil
file, these additional files will not be copied over from your application repo, and thus need to be placed in the /home/dokku/node-js-app/nginx.conf.d/
directory manually.
For PHP Buildpack users, you will also need to provide a Procfile
and an accompanying nginx.conf
file to customize the nginx config within the container. The following are example contents for your Procfile
web: vendor/bin/heroku-php-nginx -C nginx.conf -i php.ini php/
Your nginx.conf
file - not to be confused with Dokku's nginx.conf.sigil
- would also need to be configured as shown in this example:
client_max_body_size 50m;
location / {
index index.php;
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php$is_args$args;
Please adjust the Procfile
and nginx.conf
file as appropriate.
Custom Error Pages
By default, Dokku provides custom error pages for the following three categories of errors:
- 4xx: For all non-404 errors with a 4xx response code.
- 404: For "404 Not Found" errors.
- 5xx: For all 5xx error responses
These are provided as an alternative to the generic Nginx error page, are shared for all applications, and their contents are located on disk at /var/lib/dokku/data/nginx-vhosts/dokku-errors
. To customize them for a specific app, create a custom nginx.conf.sigil
as described above and change the paths to point elsewhere.
Domains plugin
See the domain configuration documentation.
Customizing hostnames
See the customizing hostnames documentation.
Disabling VHOSTS
See the disabling vhosts documentation.
Default site
See the default site documentation.
Running behind a load balancer
See the load balancer documentation.
HSTS Header
See the HSTS documentation.
SSL Configuration
See the ssl documentation.
Disabling Nginx
See the proxy documentation.
Managing Proxy Port mappings
See the proxy documentation.