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Introduced in 0.32.0

The nixpacks builder builds apps via Nixpacks, a buildpack alternative.



The nixpacks cli tool is not included by default with Dokku or as a dependency. It must also be installed as shown on this page.

Builds will proceed with the nixpacks cli for the app from then on.


This builder will be auto-detected in the following case:

  • A nixpacks.toml exists in the root of the app repository.

The builder may also be selected via the builder:set command

dokku builder:set node-js-app selected nixpacks

Supported languages

See the upstream nixpacks documentation for further information on what languages and frameworks are supported.

Build-time configuration variables

For security reasons - and as per Docker recommendations - nixpacks-based deploys have variables available only during runtime.

For users that require customization in the build phase, you may use build arguments via the docker-options plugin. All environment variables set by the config plugin are automatically exported within the nixpacks build environment, and thus --env only requires setting a key without a value.

dokku docker-options:add node-js-app build '--env NODE_ENV'

Alternatively, a full value may be provided in the form of --env KEY=VALUE:

dokku docker-options:add node-js-app build '--env NODE_ENV=production'

Changing the nixpacks.toml location

The nixpacks.toml is expected to be found in a specific directory, depending on the deploy approach:

  • The WORKDIR of the Docker image for deploys resulting from git:from-image and git:load-image commands.
  • The root of the source code tree for all other deploys (git push, git:from-archive, git:sync).

Sometimes it may be desirable to set a different path for a given app, e.g. when deploying from a monorepo. This can be done via the nixpackstoml-path property:

dokku builder-nixpacks:set node-js-app nixpackstoml-path .dokku/nixpacks.toml

The value is the path to the desired file relative to the base search directory, and will never be treated as absolute paths in any context. If that file does not exist within the repository, the build will fail.

The default value may be set by passing an empty value for the option:

dokku builder-nixpacks:set node-js-app nixpackstoml-path

The nixpackstoml-path property can also be set globally. The global default is nixpacks.toml, and the global value is used when no app-specific value is set.

dokku builder-nixpacks:set --global nixpackstoml-path nixpacks2.toml

The default value may be set by passing an empty value for the option.

dokku builder-nixpacks:set --global nixpackstoml-path

Disabling cache

Cache is enabled by default, but can be disabled by setting the no-cache property to true:

dokku builder-nixpacks:set node-js-app no-cache true

The default value may be set by passing an empty value for the option:

dokku builder-nixpacks:set node-js-app no-cache

The no-cache property can also be set globally. The global default is false, and the global value is used when no app-specific value is set.

dokku builder-nixpacks:set --global no-cache true

The default value may be set by passing an empty value for the option.

dokku builder-nixpacks:set --global no-cache

Displaying builder-nixpacks reports for an app

You can get a report about the app's storage status using the builder-nixpacks:report command:

dokku builder-nixpacks:report
=====> node-js-app builder-nixpacks information
       Builder-nixpacks computed nixpackstoml path: nixpacks2.toml
       Builder-nixpacks global nixpackstoml path:   nixpacks.toml
       Builder-nixpacks nixpackstoml path:          nixpacks2.toml
       Builder-nixpacks computed no cache:          true
       Builder-nixpacks global no cache:            false
       Builder-nixpacks no cache:                   true
=====> python-sample builder-nixpacks information
       Builder-nixpacks computed nixpackstoml path: nixpacks.toml
       Builder-nixpacks global nixpackstoml path:   nixpacks.toml
       Builder-nixpacks nixpackstoml path:
       Builder-nixpacks computed no cache:          false
       Builder-nixpacks global no cache:            false
       Builder-nixpacks no cache:
=====> ruby-sample builder-nixpacks information
       Builder-nixpacks computed nixpackstoml path: nixpacks.toml
       Builder-nixpacks global nixpackstoml path:   nixpacks.toml
       Builder-nixpacks nixpackstoml path:
       Builder-nixpacks computed no cache:          false
       Builder-nixpacks global no cache:            false
       Builder-nixpacks no cache:

You can run the command for a specific app also.

dokku builder-nixpacks:report node-js-app
=====> node-js-app builder-nixpacks information
       Builder-nixpacks computed nixpackstoml path: nixpacks2.toml
       Builder-nixpacks global nixpackstoml path:   nixpacks.toml
       Builder-nixpacks nixpackstoml path:          nixpacks2.toml
       Builder-nixpacks computed no cache:          true
       Builder-nixpacks global no cache:            false
       Builder-nixpacks no cache:                   true

You can pass flags which will output only the value of the specific information you want. For example:

dokku builder-nixpacks:report node-js-app --builder-nixpacks-no-cache