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Docker Container Options


Introduced in 0.3.17

docker-options:add <app> <phase(s)> OPTION    # Add Docker option to app for phase (comma-separated phase list)
docker-options:clear <app> [<phase(s)>...]    # Clear a docker options from app
docker-options:remove <app> <phase(s)> OPTION # Remove Docker option from app for phase (comma-separated phase list)
docker-options:report [<app>] [<flag>]        # Displays a docker options report for one or more apps

The docker-options plugin allows users to specify custom container options for containers created by Dokku at various phases.




Dokku deploys your app in multiple "phases" and the docker-options plugin allows you to pass arguments to their underlying docker container:

  • build: The build phase is used to provide container options that are available during the build process for use by the various builders.
    • A given builder may strip out or ignore options that are unsupported by the builder in question - as an example, the dockerfile builder does not support mounted volumes.
  • deploy: The deploy phase is used to provide container options that are set on deployed process types. This covers every process type specified in an app Procfile as well as any default processes your app may deploy.
    • The deploy phase is usually the correct phase to add options for running containers.
  • run: The run phase is used to provide container options to one-off containers created by dokku run, dokku run:detached, and any cron tasks specified in your app.json.


[!IMPORTANT] The run phase does not correspond 1-to-1 to docker run or docker container run commands. Specifying a container option at the run phase will only be invoked on containers created by the run plugin and cron tasks. Please be sure to specify options at the correct phase for your use-case.

Adding or removing docker-options will not apply to any running containers, and only applies to containers created after the options have been modified. As such, changing an app's docker options must be followed by a dokku ps:rebuild or a deploy in order to take effect.

Supported Docker Options

More information on supported Docker options can be found here.

Container options configured via the docker-options plugin are not used to modify the process a container runs. Container options are the [OPTIONS] portion of the following, where [CONTAINER_COMMAND] and [ARG] are the process and the arguments passed to it that are launched in the created container: docker run [OPTIONS] [CONTAINER_COMMAND] [ARG...]. Please see the documentation for customizing the run command or use a Procfile to modify the command used by a Dockerfile-based container.

Mounting volumes and host directories

Docker supports volume and host directory mounting via the -v or --volume flags. In order to simplify usage, Dokku provides a storage plugin as an abstraction to interact with persistent storage. In most cases, the Dokku project recommends using the persistent storage plugin over directly manipulating docker options at different phases. See the persistent storage documentation for more information on how to attach persistent storage to your app.


Add Docker options

To add a docker option to an app, use the docker-options:add command. This takes an app name, a comma-separated list of phases, and the docker-option to add.

dokku docker-options:add node-js-app deploy "--ulimit nofile=12"

Multiple phases can be specified by using a comma when specifying phases:

dokku docker-options:add node-js-app deploy,run "--ulimit nofile=12"

The docker-options:add does not support setting multiple options in a single call. To specify multiple options, call docker-options:add multiple times.

dokku docker-options:add node-js-app deploy "--ulimit nofile=12"
dokku docker-options:add node-js-app deploy "--shm-size 256m"

Remove a Docker option

To remove docker options from an app, use the docker-options:remove command. This takes an app name, a comma-separated list of phases, and the docker-option to remove.

dokku docker-options:remove node-js-app run ""--ulimit nofile=12"

Multiple phases can be specified by using a comma when specifying phases:

dokku docker-options:remove node-js-app deploy,run "--ulimit nofile=12"

The docker-options:remove does not support setting multiple options in a single call. To specify multiple options, call docker-options:remove multiple times.

dokku docker-options:remove node-js-app deploy "--ulimit nofile=12"
dokku docker-options:remove node-js-app deploy "--shm-size 256m"

Clear all Docker options for an app

Docker options can be removed for a specific app using the docker-options:clear command.

dokku docker-options:clear node-js-app
-----> Clearing docker-options for node-js-app on all phases

One or more valid phases can also be specified. Phases are comma delimited, and specifying an invalid phase will result in an error.

dokku docker-options:clear node-js-app run
-----> Clearing docker-options for node-js-app on phase run
dokku docker-options:clear node-js-app build,run
-----> Clearing docker-options for node-js-app on phase build
-----> Clearing docker-options for node-js-app on phase run

Displaying docker-options reports for an app


Introduced in 0.8.1

You can get a report about the app's docker-options status using the docker-options:report command:

dokku docker-options:report
=====> node-js-app docker options information
       Docker options build:
       Docker options deploy: --ulimit nofile=12 --shm-size 256m
       Docker options run:  --ulimit nofile=12 --shm-size 256m
=====> python-sample docker options information
       Docker options build:
       Docker options deploy:
       Docker options run:
=====> ruby-sample docker options information
       Docker options build:
       Docker options deploy:
       Docker options run:

You can run the command for a specific app also.

dokku docker-options:report node-js-app
=====> node-js-app docker options information
       Docker options build:
       Docker options deploy: -v /var/log/node-js-app:/app/logs
       Docker options run:  -v /var/log/node-js-app:/app/logs

You can pass flags which will output only the value of the specific information you want. For example:

dokku docker-options:report node-js-app --docker-options-build